Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Aunt Sara Visit

Big eyes!

Kisses from Aunt Sara

The Uncle Fester look

Snuggling with Aunt Sara

Sticking the tongue out

Chilling with Rosco

Tummy Time!

"Tummy time is hard work."

Aunt Sara came for a visit on Sunday and Monday. Mom and Dad got to get out of the house for a little bit on Sunday which was nice. Alex loved his time playing and snuggling with Aunt Sara. He is full of smiles and baby talk these days. He's definitely more active now and has recently found his hands which makes for a nice bit of drooling. And while he doesn't love tummy time, he's getting pretty good at holding his head up now. Here are some cute smiling pictures and some fun ones with Aunt Sara.


Sam said...

when did he get so big?? he sure is cute.

The Ausman Family said...

I'm not sure. I think it happened over night!