Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Children's Museum

Alex and I kicked off winter break with a trip to the Minnesota Children's Museum today with Karla and Bailey. Alex and Bailey had a great time checking out all of the neat exhibits. It was fun to watch them jump right in and start playing with everything they could find.

Happy Birthday Henry!

One of our favorite little buddies turned two yesterday. Alex was so lucky to get to help Henry celebrate his special day. The day was complete with cookies for breakfast (thanks to Aunt Sara!), playing with Thomas, and a first trip to Chuckee Cheese. You can see their recap on Henry's blog. Happy birthday Henry!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wolf Family Christmas Party

We had a great time at the Wolf Christmas party last Saturday in Wisconsin. Despite a very short nap, Alex was great the entire day. He had a blast playing with everyone, especially some of Andy's cousins. I think he really felt like a "big kid" that day.

Playing catch with Gabe

Hanging out with Uncle Jeff

It was very entertaining watching the Wii dance party.

Alex could not get enough of wrestling with Levi.
He loved tackling him!

Luke, Alex, Gabe, and Cameron
Alex spent over an hour playing Uno Attack with
the boys. He was fascinated with putting the cards
in and shooting them back out again.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

So Close to Sitting With Santa

I decided to dress Alex up and take him over to meet Santa this afternoon. I was fully prepared for a meltdown and expected to come away with another sad face picture (see last year's picture), if we even made it that far. I did my best to prepare Alex. We talked about Santa on the way to the mall. We watched Santa from the second story of the mall as he took pictures with other kids. Then we waited in line talking about how fun it was going to be and practiced our smile. I was surprised that Alex seemed okay with the idea and wasn't saying, "No Santa. No Santa." We made it all the way up to his turn, took two steps towards Santa, and then the anxiety set in! Alex turned his head, wrapped his arms around me, and then the tears started. There was no way he was going near Santa so Santa convinced me to sit down with him too. Mrs. Claus did a decent job of distracting Alex. You can barely even tell that he's crying and I'm strapping his arms down! You can tell from my lovely appearance- maroon sweatshirt (Could anything clash worse with red?!), ponytail, no makeup- that I was not prepared for my Santa photo. Oh well, maybe by next year Alex will be excited to meet Santa.

Monday, December 13, 2010


We got hit with a nasty snow storm this weekend, which dumped somewhere around 20" of snow on us, followed by -20 degree wind chills. The pictures don't do it justice but you can at least get an idea of the massive amounts of snow. It certainly would have been nice to have a snowblower this weekend but at least I have the next best thing- a fabulous husband with a shovel.

our front lawn

buried mailbox


2 Year Check-Up

Alex had his 2 year check-up last week. He weighed in at 32 pounds and 34.5" tall. He is a healthy boy and everything looked great. Even the innocent heart murmur he has had since birth is now gone.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Toy Time

Alex has been very busy this week breaking in all of his new toys. He is one lucky and happy boy.