Sunday, January 20, 2013

Spaghetti Head

We always have to keep our eye on this guy. Even sitting right next to him at the table, I turn my head for two seconds, and this is what happens. Seriously, what possesses children to do this??

Well done, buddy!

Avery and Addi

While we were down in Texas we had the chance the spend a day with my friend, Angela, and her two girls, Avery and Addison. It took Avery and Alex a little time to warm up to each other but once they got going they had a great time. They enjoyed a scavenger hunt, hula-hooping, and watching a movie together. Wes and Addi enjoyed sharing drool (and ultimately their colds) and exchanging hilarious looks. These two can give you the "stink eye" like no one else can! Addi is 4 months older than Wes but he is off the growth charts on the high end and Addi is off the charts on the low end so it was funny to see them next to each other.

Elves Hammering

Get a family together from all over the country, add a little holiday spirit, a cute 4 year old to lead the show, and perhaps a couple bottles of wine, and this is what you get at dinner on Christmas Eve.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Christmas Traditions

While in Texas we carried out some Christmas traditions, some old and some new. A new one for us was to sprinkle "reindeer food" out on the front lawn. It contained a mixture of glitter to attract the reindeer and oats for them to eat.

Writing a note for Santa to put by his milk and cookies

Reading "The Night Before Christmas"

Here are a few other random photos from the week.
Alex loves to play Bingo!

Nonna and Weston

Alex leading a group dance party

Alex and his Grampinator

Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas in Texas

We decided to be brave (or stupid as some might say!) and drive to Texas for Christmas instead of flying. We took 2 days to drive down, stayed for 6 nights, and then took another 2 days to drive home. I think Andy and I agree that the trip went much better than we ever expected! We hit very little bad weather along the way and the boys did surprisingly well in the car. We had a great week in Texas playing with family and friends. We made a trip to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa on Christmas Eve. They always have fun stuff set up for the kids to see and do.

I'm pretty sure Alex could stand there all day playing with the race cars.

Boys and their toys!

Weston's first carousel ride

Alex did a great job telling Santa what he wanted for
Christmas this year.

And another classic Santa picture for the record books!

Christmas Preschool Performance

Alex's preschool class put on a fun performance of Christmas songs in December. He did a great job of singing along!

Alex and Jenna were excited about their gifts from their teachers.