Friday, June 25, 2010

Okee Dokee Brothers

During the summer, Savage has a Music in the Park night once a month. We went to check it out last week to hear the Okee Dokee Brothers play and had a blast. Alex was a booty shaking, foot flying, spinning maniac. He was so pumped up that he was literally running circles around a picnic table when the show was over. For some reason I can't get the videos to post on the blog but I'll try to post them later.


Alex had a fun playdate with his friends Henry, Bailey, and Wyatt earlier this week. We are looking forward to many more playdates this summer!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jill's Graduation

Last weekend we drove down to Evanston, IL for Jill's graduation from Northwestern. We stopped for a night in Milwaukee to see some family before heading to IL. It was a pretty busy weekend but it was nice to see everyone.

Matt & Jill
Alex cheering for Jill

The Lerner Fam

Alex & Aunt Jill

Happy Father's Day, Dad/Grandpa!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Water Balloons

In honor of Alex's last day of daycare, all of the kids got to play with water balloons. They went through the entire wagon full of balloons in about 2 minutes but they all had a great time.

Carter, Kylie, Alex, & Jacob

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Muffin Man

Alex and I made muffins last week. He was a good little helper.

The best part about baking- licking the spatula clean!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The New Look

For our first day of summer break, the first order of business was getting Alex a summer haircut. The lady who cut Alex's hair loved him and asked if she'd could style his hair when we were done. Here is his new look, hair gel and all.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Provo, Utah

As part of my OTD program, I spent last week in class in Provo. It was hard leaving Alex for the first time but we all made it through the week. Fortunately my friend, Jennie, is doing the program with me. The days were extremely long and intense but we enjoyed our evenings exploring the area.

We flew into the Salt Lake City airport and stopped to tour the
big Mormon area in Salt Lake. This is the Salt Lake Temple, which
you can only enter if you are Mormon.

This is the RMU "campus" (i.e. one building) where
we spent the majority of our time.

We really enjoyed driving up the canyon.
This is a view from the top of Alpine Loop.

This is Bridal Veil Falls, which you can hike the majority of the way up.
It was beautiful but steep. At one point, I gave in to the fear of
the steep drop-off to my side and decided to butt slide across
rather than walk. I'm not sure that was a good decision
but I did make it down alive.

Jennie and me at the top of our hike of
Bridal Veil Falls.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


We never get tired of watching Alex dance. He really gets his arms into it now which makes it even better.