Saturday, December 15, 2012

Walking Weston

I forgot I had some videos on my other camera that I meant to post a couple of weeks ago. Weston really started to pick up on walking over the long Thanksgiving weekend and has been getting steadier ever since. Here comes trouble!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Choo Choo Bob's

Yesterday was the triple birthday bash to celebrate Alex's, Henry's, and Wyatt's birthdays. We went to a very fun train store in St. Paul, called Choo Choo Bob's, that has a play area full of train tables and a party room. Everyone had a fun morning. Happy birthday, boys!

Wes loved the train tables too!

Henry, Claire, and Wyatt

Claire and Alex


The birthday boys!

Steph and Garrett

Happy 4th Birthday, Alex!

Here is Alex enjoying his birthday present from Mom, Dad, and Weston. We even had some weather nice enough that he could go outside and try it out. Alex did a great job on his big boy bike. I'm sure he will be flying on it this summer. Happy birthday to one awesome four year old!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Birthday Celebration #1

We kicked off Alex's birthday celebration with a party at the farm. He requested a Packer party with cheese pizza, orange juice, and a red cake. All wishes were granted and we had a nice family celebration.

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a nice Thanksgiving at the farm this year. I was thankful to spend it with my wonderful family.  I was thankful no one came down with the stomach flu despite us all being exposed to it. I was thankful Mary made a wonderful dinner and I didn't have to cook. And I was really thankful that Weston didn't scream 99% of the time like he did last year!

Family game of Bingo. 
Alex took his number calling duties very seriously.

There's nothing like a good round of wrestling after 
eating a huge meal!


Making Christmas trees with Aunt Sara

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Proud Parents

We are the proud parents of a special preschooler. We went to Alex's preschool parent-teacher conference on Thursday. His teacher said she had no concerns with him and gave him a great report, which made us feel good as parents. We will continue to work on his "reporting" as his teacher called it (or "tattling" as we call it), but we are proud of him and how well he has done at his new preschool. I was also quite proud of the project he brought home from preschool that day. He made his very own grocery store and got to choose which items he wanted in his store.

The outside of his store
 The inside of his store with essential items... coffee (love it)...

...and beer! On the back was a picture of a vegetable tray. Clearly he made the right choice by flipping it over to the beer side. That's my boy!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

12 months

Weston had his 12 month check-up last week. It came as no surprise that he was at the high end of the charts again. His doctor literally said, "I have 3 year olds with those numbers." Here are his latest stats: weight: 29 pounds, 12 ounces (99th percentile), length: 32.25 inches (97th percentile), and head: 19.5" (99th percentile). He has started drinking regular milk now and is down to one bottle a day. We also pulled one of his reflux medications this weekend so we will see how that plays out. Weston's newest tricks include pointing at anything and everything, throwing things on the floor, taking a single step forward without holding on, throwing balls, and tackling anyone lying on the floor.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Preschool Halloween Parade

Alex's preschool class did a Halloween parade for all of the parents to come see. They each had a chance to stand up and introduce themselves and show off their costumes. Alex went up when it was his turn but was a little too shy to speak. Teacher Michelle helped him out. He told me afterwards that, "There were just too many people there."

The whole class (Alex is in the back left, behind the fairy)

After the parade, the class recited their Halloween poem.

Happy Halloween!

The boys got good use out of their costumes this year between a daycare party, a preschool party, a practice round of trick-or-treating at Shakopee Town Square, and then actual Halloween night. Alex did a great job of saying "trick-or-treat" and "thank you" this year and Weston was content going along for the ride (at least for a little while anyway).

 My little lion giving his most ferocious roar!

Super Why!

The whole crew! Super Why (Alex), Daniel Tiger (Henry), Batman (Jack), Lion (Wes), Care Bear (Aubrey), Ladybug (Morgan), Minnie Mouse (Claire), and Izzy the Priate (Bailey)

Action shot

 Sweet girls in adorable costumes!

Pumpkin Carving

The boys and I had fun carving our pumpkin this year. It was no surprise that Alex wanted a big spoon to scoop and Weston was happy to dig right in with his hands.

Wes wasn't quite so sure at first...

but he was swinging around pumpkin guts in no time!

"Hey Mom, how about we get a spoon to scoop?"

 Our finished Elmo jack-o-lantern

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cake Smashing

No first birthday is complete without a good cake smashing and eating. I realize I might be a bit biased but this has got to be one of the best cake smashing performances ever. I still don't fully understand where all of the cake went! Well done, buddy!

It took about 0.2 seconds for him to dive in!

This is my favorite picture...

Perhaps a frosting bread is good for the skin??

Nice work, Wes!

There was nothing to do but strip Weston down and toss him in the tub. A nice big sneeze and out came the blue frosting!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Weston!!

Happy Birthday to our sweet little boy! We had a fun UNO themed birthday party last weekend to celebrate Weston's first birthday. He had a good time playing with everyone, opening presents, and to say he enjoyed his birthday cake would be an understatement. I apparently failed at taking pictures of everyone who came to help us celebrate from near and far, but a big thank you to everyone who did!

Aunt Sara never disappoints with her amazing cookies!

Wes and Aunt Jill

Aunt Sara also made a cute "smash cake" for Weston. His cake eating deserves a post of its own so those will come later. 

I bought a frosted white cake and then decorated it myself (with the moral support from Jill) to turn it into an UNO card cake. I'm no Aunt Sara but I'm glad it turned out recognizable!