Tuesday, November 6, 2012

12 months

Weston had his 12 month check-up last week. It came as no surprise that he was at the high end of the charts again. His doctor literally said, "I have 3 year olds with those numbers." Here are his latest stats: weight: 29 pounds, 12 ounces (99th percentile), length: 32.25 inches (97th percentile), and head: 19.5" (99th percentile). He has started drinking regular milk now and is down to one bottle a day. We also pulled one of his reflux medications this weekend so we will see how that plays out. Weston's newest tricks include pointing at anything and everything, throwing things on the floor, taking a single step forward without holding on, throwing balls, and tackling anyone lying on the floor.


1 comment:

Georgia said...

What a happy guy!!! And what a year!!!
Yeah, Weston...