Saturday, April 28, 2012


I haven't been able to post videos on here in a long time but it looks like this one might be working! Ignore my big head (I didn't realize I was in the picture) and enjoy some Weston giggles.

6 Months

It's hard to believe but Weston is 6 months old already! His check up confirmed that he is indeed a big boy. He weighed in at 22 pounds, 7 ounces (98th percentile) and 28.5 inches (97th percentile). This little man still hates tummy time so he has not had much practice in rolling over, but he loves to be upright. He is happy to play in an exersaucer or jumper and is also doing really well at sitting up on his own. He has two teeth poking through on the bottom so he's extra drooly lately. Weston has also been enjoying trying a variety of fruits and vegetables and has eaten every type of baby food that he's been given so far. We've also gotten some good giggles out of him lately but seriously no one can make him laugh like his big brother can!

Feeding Calves

When we went to the farm over Easter Alex had a chance to help Uncle Jeff feed a new calf. He was a little hesitant at first but then got into it.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012


With the boys' birth months being only a month apart, I thought we would be set for clothes for Weston. I no longer think that will be the case much longer because Weston is so much bigger than Alex was. Right now we are doing okay because Weston is wearing clothes this spring that Alex wore his first fall but this summer will be trickier. Here are a couple of pictures of the boys wearing the same clothes but Weston is 5 months and Alex was 10-12 months at the time.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

We spent Easter weekend at the farm. Fortunately the Easter Bunny knew we were going to be there so Alex and Weston got to do their scavenger hunt there to find their Easter baskets. We then had a huge lunch with Great Grandma and Grandpa and a lot of the Wolf side of the family. Weston was a much happier guy this time at the farm compared to when we went for Thanksgiving and Alex was in heaven having so many people to play games with!

Magic Jelly Beans

This was a very cute activity Alex got to do thanks to Aunt Sara and Grandma Mimi. On Saturday night before he went to bed, Alex planted jelly beans in little pots of dirt to see if anything special would grow there. He was excited to see the results on Sunday morning- Tootsie pops for Mom, Dad, Alex, and Weston, and a bone for Rosco!

Dying Eggs

Alex was excited to dye Easter eggs this year and he did a really good job. He liked using the magic wax crayon. Weston did his part by patiently sitting in his chair so that I could help Alex. I think the eggs turned out pretty cute this year.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Grampinator Visit

My dad came for a visit last weekend. We managed to squeeze in a lot of fun in a few short days. I think my dad is probably still recovering from all of the toddler games and activities he participated in.

Playing a little Wii dancing

Acquarium at the Mall of America

Shakopee Easter egg hunt
(even though it was miserable outside!)

Hanging out with Weston


Alex had his first dentist appointment last week and he did fantastic! I was very proud of him. He doesn't look so thrilled in the picture but he really did do a great job. The dentist actually sent him this picture in the mail, which I thought was pretty cute. Here is Alex with his new buddy, Dr. Hank.