Friday, December 30, 2011

2 Months

Weston had his 2 month check-up this week. He weighs 11 pounds, 5 ounces (40th percentile) and is 23.75 inches long (79th percentile). We feel like he just about doubled in size over the last week. He has been eating non-stop and is so long now that I had to go dig the 3 month clothes out of storage already. He is really starting to smile a lot now and "talks" to us with those great little baby coos.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Despite it being a busy and crazy holiday season for us, I still love Christmas. From decorating gingerbread houses and cookies, to putting up a tree, to playing with new presents, I love it all! It's a lot of fun now that Alex is old enough to really get into it too.


Last week I took Alex (and Weston) to toddler open gym time at a gymnastics place called Gleason's with our friends Henry and Heidi. It was a blast! Alex and Henry had so much fun hanging from bars, jumping on the trampolines, climbing over obstacles, and jumping into the foam pit. I was thankful to have Heidi there to help keep track of Alex! It was also fun to watch Henry as he is such a natural little gymnast/monkey but unfortunately I didn't get any good pictures of him in action.

Texas Trip

Earlier this month we survived our trip to Texas for Matt and Jill's wedding with our two munchkins. I don't think it's possible to make a trip like that stress-free with a newborn and a toddler but both boys did great on both flights as well as the day of the wedding. Hopefully I will come up with some wedding pictures to post soon. In the meantime, here are some pictures from our visit to see Santa. Bass Pro Shop had a lot of little activities set up, including free pictures with Santa, so we made a fun morning out of it.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Jumps and Downs

Alex and Henry had a joint birthday party this year at a place called Jumps and Downs. It was a great place to have a party and everyone had a great time. I think I might be done hosting kid birthday parties at our house because this was so much easier!

Jumping fools

Jack loving the ball pit

The happy birthday boys hand-in-hand

The four "big" kids at the top of the slide...

...and at the bottom of the slide!

Henry flying down the slide- I love it!

Group shot

Jack, Alex, Henry, Kaylee, Bailey, and Aubrey (top)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

1 Month

It's hard to believe our little guy is over a month old already!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday, Alex!

We celebrated Alex's 3rd birthday with a family birthday party at Mimi and Papa's house last weekend. Alex got to spend a lot of time with Greta. These cousins are a riot together.

Best/worst smiles ever!

Lovely green frosting tongues. Alex was very

excited about his "chocolate dinosaur cake."

The cool McQueen pull string pinata from
Aunt Sara

The three cousins!

Horseback Riding

During Thanksgiving weekend in Elk Mound, we made a trip out to Krista's family farm so that Alex and Greta could see the horses. They were both pretty hesitant at first but they sure warmed up quickly. We went from not wanting to touch the miniature horse....

To riding with Krista....

To riding by themselves!

Greta and Alex were pretty proud of themselves.
Thanks Aunt Krista (who we can now really
call "aunt" because she and Jeff got engaged over the
weekend- woo whoo!!)!