Saturday, October 27, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Weston!!

Happy Birthday to our sweet little boy! We had a fun UNO themed birthday party last weekend to celebrate Weston's first birthday. He had a good time playing with everyone, opening presents, and to say he enjoyed his birthday cake would be an understatement. I apparently failed at taking pictures of everyone who came to help us celebrate from near and far, but a big thank you to everyone who did!

Aunt Sara never disappoints with her amazing cookies!

Wes and Aunt Jill

Aunt Sara also made a cute "smash cake" for Weston. His cake eating deserves a post of its own so those will come later. 

I bought a frosted white cake and then decorated it myself (with the moral support from Jill) to turn it into an UNO card cake. I'm no Aunt Sara but I'm glad it turned out recognizable!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Happy to contribute to the fun day! Don't underestimate yourself Beth - everyone at my work thought you bought that cake already decorated. It was pretty impressive.