Saturday, May 2, 2009

5 Months

As I'm sure everyone knows, April was "OT Month" so we went out to celebrate ourselves and Alex got to be our mascot. It's hard to see in the picture but he's wearing his "My mom is an OT" shirt.

Ready for summer!

Rolling over

Alex is checking out his new boots he got from Jeff and Krista for Easter. They are pretty cool but it will take him a little while to grow into them- perhaps a few years.

It's hard to believe but Alex is 5 months old now. He is doing great and brings us joy every single day. Mom and Alex are just counting down these last 5 weeks until summer vacation!


Jill said...

These pictures are great. I love the boots. And his orange sunglasses! He gets big so fast... tell him to stop until I can get up there again, please.

Angela said...

I love the sunglasses! Such a cute little boy!

April said...

Dude, Alex is the coolest. Give him a kiss for me!