Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Weston's "Barns"

I started to notice this summer that Weston tends to walk on the inside of his feet. I also thought it was a little odd that he could walk okay in Crocs that are too big for him, but yet when he wore shoes that actually have support, he would fall all of the time. After consulting with some of my PT friends, I decided to take him to an orthotist for an evaluation. They recommended we try some orthotics to help offset the inward rolling of his feet. This picture is a good example of what Weston's foot "pronation" looks like from the back.


Wes got to pick out what pattern he wanted on his orthotics. He is very into barns right now, so as soon as he saw one that had barns on them, his mind was made up! His orthotics came in about 2 weeks ago, and so far he has been doing great with them! He calls them his "barns" and he wears then during all waking hours. The best part is that they really do seem to help. He walks and runs more smoothly, doesn't fall nearly as often, and just seems overall more stable. It's amazing what a flexible, little piece of plastic can do!

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