Thursday, May 23, 2013


Weston has come to realize that Alex's bed is full of blankets and pillows while he still gets the bare crib. Wes loves to crawl into Alex's bed and Alex really gets a kick out of it too. They are pretty funny together.

Mother's Day

My boys treated me well on Mother's Day. Despite the lack of warm weather, we still had a nice day going to the park and out for lunch. I didn't have to cook a single meal that day and I got to spend the day with these sweet boys. I truly feel blessed to be their mother.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Video Dump

I had a bunch of videos on my phone that wouldn't play well on the computer. Luckily my technology savvy husband was able to download a program to convert the files, so here they are. You can vote for your favorite video.

First, we'll start off with a singing performance by Alex. Don't judge us, we know it's not the most kid appropriate song.

Then, we can add some fancy moves to the singing.

If you didn't judge us about Alex's song choice, maybe you can judge us about Weston, who likes to eat bubbles. It's gross. His habit has gotten a little out of control to the point where I have to put in very few bubbles in his baths now. 

 This next video is from when we visited Sam and Rachel in Peoria. It was the first time Wes had been on a swing this spring. He loved it!


This last video is probably my favorite. Wes gives great hugs and he looooves to tackle people, so what better combination is there than a tackle hug?!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

18 Months

Weston has now hit the 18 month mark. He has changed so much over the last few months. He is much more interactive and it's obvious he understands so much more now. He's good at following simple directions like, "Go get the ball." He loves his job of bringing his cup to the sink after meals. He says a bunch of words, but you have to know the context to understand most of them still. We are still working hard at teaching him to at least attempt using his words before screaming, which is his preferred method of communication. He's the boss when it comes to music in the car. He fusses until we put on a kid's CD, and of course the Okee Dokee Brothers is his first choice. Weston loves all kinds of animals. He really gets a kick out of watching the birds and dogs in our neighborhood. He also loves playing in the sandbox, so I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time there this summer.  He continues to be a good eater, at least when he's not sick. He had a nasty two week string of illnesses this month, with one trip to his pediatrician and two trips to urgent care. Within 16 days he managed to acquire a cold, bronchitis, pinkeye 3 times, strep throat, double ear infection, and pneumonia. He has fully recovered now and it's good to see him back to his normal and happier self. We have finally successfully weaned him off one of his reflux medications, but we still have one to go. We are going to attempt weaning him off that one now. If it's successful- great. If not- we'll be heading back to a GI specialist to see if there is anything else we need to know or learn about the root of his reflux. Everything checked out well at his 18 month check up this week. He continues to be off the charts, but is proportionate and on the same growth curve that he has been on for a while now. His doctor did refer to him as "massive" though, which kind of made me laugh. His current weight is 32 lb 6 oz (100%) and length is 2' 10.5" (98%). Here are a couple of pictures of our handsome, big boy.

Picture Dump

I had a bunch of pictures on my phone that I never transferred to the computer until now, so here is a random series of pictures from the month of April.

It might be freezing, but there's no snow on the ground so we're going to the park!

Alex still likes the toddler swing so he can swing next to Weston.

Say cheese!

Another successful dentist check-up for Alex.

I love my buddy, drool and all!

Loving time at the park!

Warming up before Alex's last day of hockey.

One tough goalie!

One of the only 2 days the boys have been able to wear shorts so far this spring.

Thanks Aunt Molly for the cool farm Legos!

I love my new truck! Thanks Molly!