Thursday, August 2, 2012

9 Months

It's hard to believe Weston is 9 months old already! He's been sleeping through the night pretty consistently lately and usually blesses us with at least one decent nap per day. He's been eating more and more table food and the boy likes his meat! Pieces of chicken, ground turkey, or ground beef have all been big winners lately. He still loves his yogurt, shredded cheese, and rice. He's starting to pull himself up and can "army crawl" now so nothing on ground level is safe anymore. Other than Alex's cars, I've decided Wes doesn't really like toys. He would much prefer to entertain himself with cards, paper, bags, cords, straps, or anything else he's not supposed to have. He has two bottom teeth fully in and four top teeth poking through and still has that great, big, drooly smile.


Sam & Rachel said...

So Wes must be eating more meat than big brother?

The Ausman Family said...

Yes, Wes definitely likes his meat more than his big bro. Alex recently discovered he likes corndogs so we can add that to his list, but I'm not sure that really counts as "meat" either.