Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wedding Reception

Friday night we went to a wedding reception for Andy's cousin, Matt, and his wife, Sarah. Alex was a dancing fool the entire night! We were finally able to drag him off the dance floor at 10:30pm. I think he would have stayed and danced the entire night if we had let him.

Passionate singing and dancing with Aunt Sara

Arm rolling with Dad

Although it was short lived, Alex managed to get not only Dad,
but also Papa John, out on the dance floor. Quite impressive!

Fancy footwork

Taking a popcorn break with Krista and Jeff at about

10:00pm. I love this picture of the 3 of them.


Georgia said...

Great picture of Jeff, Krista and Alex!! Perfect! Loved Aunt Sara and Papa John dancing...definitely a first. Thanks for posting - "You go Alex!!!"

Sara said...

Loved Alex's singing! He was having a blast and so was I.