Sunday, October 10, 2010

Emma Krumbee's Orchard

Alex and I went to Emma Krumbee's Orchard on Saturday with a group of friends. There were 7 adults and 4 boys under the age of 2 and we all made it through a trip to the orchard and lunch out without a single major meltdown. Everyone had a great time. Alex spent about 90% of the time either kicking dirt or throwing hay.

Wyatt checking out the pumpkins

Alex and Henry on the hay mountain

Alex was in heaven!

Jack was very proud of the large
strand of hay he found.

My blonde hair Justin Bieber with
the Justin Bieber scarecrow

Can you tell these two boys spend a lot
of time together?? It's funny to see them
pick up mannerisms from each other.
Alex and Jack feeding the goats


Sara said...

Alex got to meet his idol! That is awesome. Looks like lots of fun.

Sam & Rachel said...

Do we owe Alex an advertising fee? He was really representing for Cat!! Looks like a fun day.

The Ausman Family said...

He advertises for free when the apparel is supplied to him! He had the shirt on but needed a hat to cover up his unwashed and unruly hair and the Cat hat is the only one he likes to wear. He knows it's the cool one.