Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Como Zoo

"Let me get that booger for you, cuz."

The cute cousins

Alex's first carousel ride

This is what Alex thinks about rice cereal. It's a bit
blurry but I think you get the idea.

It's been a busy couple of weeks around the Ausman household lately. We had several days without our regular daycare and were fortunate enough to have family fill in for us. Thank you to all of our wonderful babysitters- Jeff, Krista, Sara, and Mary!! We have also been dealing with trying to find a new car and were finally able to purchase one last weekend. So far we are very happy with the Highlander and are most thankful just to have a car with 4 doors. No more tossing Alex in and out of the backseat of a 2 door car! Alex has been busy learning new tricks. He is now able to sit up on his own for a short period of time and can also suck his own feet (a great life long skill!). We have started giving him rice cereal at night but so far he is not much of a fan. We all had a great Memorial Day weekend complete with a trip to the como zoo, a weekend at the farm, a graduation party for Andy's cousin, and the chance to visit with Sam, Rachel, and Greta. Alex enjoyed getting to see his aunt, uncle, and cousin again and is excited to see them again in July for Greta's first birthday!

It took a little while for Greta to warm up to Rosco but by the end of the weekend they were best friends.

Monday, May 11, 2009

1st Mother's Day

Making friends with the goat

I think Alex was more intrigued by Andy's face
than the dolphin swimming behind him.

Mother's Day smooches

Thanks to my boys I had a wonderful first Mother's Day. The day started with a homemade breakfast and was followed by a trip to the Minnesota zoo. Alex was a trooper and made it about 2/3 of the way through before he sacked out for a nap. It was a perfect way to spend the day and I think we all had fun. Here is a video of Alex recapping the day's events.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

5 Months

As I'm sure everyone knows, April was "OT Month" so we went out to celebrate ourselves and Alex got to be our mascot. It's hard to see in the picture but he's wearing his "My mom is an OT" shirt.

Ready for summer!

Rolling over

Alex is checking out his new boots he got from Jeff and Krista for Easter. They are pretty cool but it will take him a little while to grow into them- perhaps a few years.

It's hard to believe but Alex is 5 months old now. He is doing great and brings us joy every single day. Mom and Alex are just counting down these last 5 weeks until summer vacation!