Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Preschool Christmas Program

Alex had his Christmas program at preschool today. Both Andy and I took off from work to come watch. Alex looked quite handsome in his fancy outfit and he did a great job performing! He sang along with his teachers and classmates and did all of the hand movements too. After the performance, everyone got to enjoy Christmas cookies. It was a fun afternoon. We are very proud of this guy!

Gingerbread House

Alex, Weston, and I worked together to put together and decorate a gingerbread house last weekend. They were both really into decorating it and took their jobs very seriously. It was a fun project to do on a cold winter day.

Christmas Tree

Alex was excited to put up the Christmas tree this year.  Both boys enjoyed putting the ornaments on. Now every morning when Alex gets up (which is often before his parents do!) he goes out and turns the tree lights on.

Best Buds

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday, Alex!

It's official, we now have a 5 year old in the house! Alex went in for his annual check up this week. He weighs 46 lb 9.6 oz (84th percentile) and is 3'8" tall (73rd percentile). Based on his current growth curve and Andy's and my height, they estimate Alex will be 5'11" when he grows up. We'll have to check back in about 12 years and see how accurate they were! This was a picture of Alex and Ms. Kay from his preschool birthday party.

We spent Thanksgiving weekend in WI. We went out to eat for a nice Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday and then Friday was birthday fun day. We spent Friday morning as a family of four at Action City. We played arcade games, mini bowling, laser tag, and go-karts. We all had a lot of fun!

Friday evening we had Alex's birthday party at Sara's house. Alex decided he wanted a Turbo themed party. Aunt Sara came through as usual with her amazing cookies.

Alex loves to play games and he recently discovered the game show Minute To Win It. I thought it would be fun to play some Minute To Win It Games at his party and it turned out to be a big hit. Everyone was such good sports about playing the games. It was really fun!

Happy birthday to one amazing five year old! We love you, Alex, and are so proud of you! You brighten our lives each and every day.