Wednesday, June 27, 2012

8 Months

Weston is a busy little (or big) 8 month old! He likes to grab anything and everything. He likes sitting and loves standing (with a little help). He enjoys finger foods, especially puffs and cheerios, and likes to spit out most baby food before it even hits his lips. He likes sitting and splashing in his bathtub and at the pool as long as the water is warm enough for his liking. Wes has two teeth on the bottom and a few on the top that are just about to pop through. We started taking him to the chiropractor last week. It unfortunately has not been the miracle cure we were hoping for to help with his reflux and sleep issues but it's at least been interesting to try something new.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dan Patch Days

It was another successful year at Dan Patch Days. Andy and our friend Jason took in the Hairball concert on Friday night. Saturday we all walked over there and Alex had a blast on the Kaptain Kirby train and going in multiple bouncy houses. Sunday morning we all enjoyed the pancake breakfast hosted at the fire station and then the boys and I enjoyed the parade in the afternoon.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Fajita Night!

Somebody loved his avocado and cheese dinner!

Yum yum yum....

It's so much fun to spit my food out even if I like it because Mom gets mad every time.

This is so much better than that baby food stuff!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's Day

Alex made this for Andy. I read him the questions and wrote down his answers exactly as he said them. I thought it was pretty cute.

When we named Weston I never made the connection that our kids would be A&W but I kind of like it.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Alex started his first preschool this week. He'll be going once a week during the summer. He said he was excited to go but I could tell he was getting nervous on the way there. He walked right into the classroom but kept saying he wanted me to stay with him. His teacher, Miss Angie, jumped right in and got Alex going on a puzzle and then he was good to go. When I came to pick him up he was a happy guy and excited to show me and Weston the watermelon he made at school. I was very proud of my little guy and am hopeful he will be excited to go again next week.

Getting ready to go!

He made it through day 1!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rolling Over

Weston figured out how to roll over from his back to his front a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately he hasn't figured out how to go the other way yet and the poor guy still hates to be on his stomach, which makes for a lot of whining. Hopefully he will either learn to tolerate being on his stomach or learn how to roll back over on to his back soon.

Wes Vs. The Penguin

Family Fun

The Men's Card Table

Snuggles with Aunt Rita
Sara ran the Minneapolis Marathon last Sunday and did a great job as always. Afterwards a group of people came over to our house for a little post-marathon celebration as well as to celebrate Mary's birthday. Alex was excited to have people to play games with. His latest obsession is Uno. I love this picture of the guys playing cards.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

7 Months

Weston is now 7 months old. This past month he got to experience a bout of C. Diff, which was pretty awful for everyone. If you don't know what that is, just consider yourself lucky! Since then he has been a little more picky with his baby food eating. He still loves his apples and bananas; tolerates sweet potates, squash, and pears; and literally gags with peas and greenbeans. He loves eating puffs and is getting pretty good about picking them up and actually getting them into his mouth. He's also been working on using a sippy cup of water with his meals. Weston loves to sit or stand and play with his toys but of course it still doesn't compare to the entertainment of watching his big brother Alex!