Thursday, July 28, 2011

Big Green Egg

After years of thinking about and looking at it, we are finally the owners of a Big Green Egg! Alex and I are proud of Daddy for finally pulling the trigger to buy it, for sticking with it to make a great table for it, and for making us yummy food with it! We are looking forward to many more delicious grilled and smoked foods to come.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Big Boy Car Bed

We finally decided to tackle potty training this summer. I think Alex was more ready for it than we realized because it only took him a few days to get the hang of it and he has been virtually accident free since then. He worked hard to fill up his sticker charts by going potty. The first two charts he earned Cars characters and the third one he worked hard to earn his new big boy car bed. He absolutely loves this thing! He has now spent 2 nights and 2 naps in it and all have gone perfectly. He has not gotten out, fallen out, and has slept great. We just hope it lasts!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Happy Birthday, Greta!

Happy 3rd birthday to our loveable niece, Greta! We enjoyed your Ariel party and loved celebrating with you on your special day!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Last Friday Heidi and I took the boys to a beach party at a local lake. We knew they would have concessions there but the only option was a hotdog and chip combo. Neither Alex or Henry would even touch the hotdogs but were happy as clams to each eat a bag cheetos for lunch. We probably won't win Mother of the Year for nutrition but perhaps for fun. We all had a great time and are looking forward to going back to the beach again soon.

Friday, July 8, 2011

First Movie

Last weekend we celebrated Dad's birthday. Alex helped me make and decorate a cake and spent the weekend helping Dad make a table for his new grill. On Monday we took Alex to his first movie in the theater- Cars 2!! He did a great job watching the movie and is excited to tell people he saw "Queen" and "Mater." Alex had to sit in our laps because his legs weren't heavy enough to hold the seat down so it kept flipping up on him. He also really enjoyed the giant bucket of popcorn and had no problem eating his fair share. It was not your typical 4th of July activity but we all enjoyed it.