Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter with a special visit from Nonna. Alex completed his first scavenger hunt to find his basket full of goodies from the Easter Bunny. We enjoyed a delicious plattar (Swedish pancakes) breakfast and then colored Easter eggs.

Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday we went to Andy's aunt and uncle's house for Easter dinner and a great egg hunt. Alex did an excellent job of finding all of his yellow eggs. He put his special Easter basket from Aunt Jill to good use.

All of the kids pre-hunt

Alex in action

Tricky one

The big haul

Sorting the loot

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter Bunny Visit With Daycare Friends

School Carnival

Last weekend we went to a local school carnival in Prior Lake. The amount of people and games there was a bit overwhelming but Alex seemed to enjoy it. He did an excellent job of "paying" with his tickets, playing the games, and of course eating the candy prizes.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring Break!

One of the best parts about working in a school is Spring Break! Alex and I had a lot of fun this week going on different play dates. We made a trip to the zoo, went to two inflatable play centers, and went to Toddler Tuesday at the Mall of America to ride some of the rides for the first time.
Minnesota zoo monorail- Alex loved the "choo choo train."

Driving the Big Rigs

Riding the hot air balloons

The three amigos at lunch

Alex had no fear flying down this slide. Unfortunately he did

have fear climbing up the ladder so I also got to experience

the slide...multiple times.

The ball pit was Alex's favorite.

Once all of the big kids cleared out, Alex finally got

up the courage to jump.

Riding his bike outside for the first time.

He was full of giggles!