Wednesday, September 30, 2009

10 Months!

Alex hit the 10 month mark yesterday. He's certainly keeping us busy these days but he's tons of fun. He's an active little guy and likes to get into anything and everything. His top two teeth have poked through so we're up to 4 pearly whites now. His latest tricks include waving at people (and dogs), blowing kisses, and doing a pretty good Rosco impersonation. He's also gotten really good at rolling balls back and forth.

Check out my top teeth!

Alex loves "typing" on the computer.

Yummy lasagna. Check out the lasagna hair!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

New Tricks- Warning: Post Contains Nudity

Alex has learned some good new tricks recently. He's learned that baths can be fun when you splash and make a mess and he's also mastering the art of waving at people (or anything else that moves). He's discovered that grass isn't so scary to sit on and now tries to eat it. He's also learned how to smack his lips. We like to call it his "kisses" but really he just thinks it's a cool noise.
Palming his ball. He's preparing for the NBA.

Waving !

Splish Splash I was Taking a Bath!

Lip Smacking Good!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


As many of you know, one of our summer projects was to restain our deck. Andy did the grueling work of stripping the old stain off and then we (with the help of Mary- thanks Mary!) did two coats of new stain. Alex did his part by playing nicely and napping well while we worked. We are pretty happy with the results and hope to have people over soon to enjoy it with us.

This was what our deck looked like when we moved in 3 years ago.

This was after it was stripped.

And this is our finished product!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We made a trip down to Madison for Labor Day Weekend. Mom and Dad got to go to a UW football game and we all had fun swimming, going to the zoo, and seeing lots of family and friends.

Alex did a little advertising for Aunt Sara

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Minnesota State Fair

We made a trip to the state fair last week. Andy and Beth ate some excellent fried food complete with cheese curds, fried pickles, and french fries. And don't forget the shake to top it off. We're working on setting a good example for Alex. Alex enjoyed the animals but his highlight was definitely riding the tractors with Dad. It must just be in his blood!