Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dan Patch Days

Hairball Concert

Petting zoo

Taking in the parade

Yummy toothbrush

This weekend was Dan Patch Days- the local Savage festival. Alex got to experience his first live concert (Hairball), a petting zoo, and his first parade. He was a trooper the whole weekend. I think his favorite part was the free toothbrush a local dentist passed out as part of the parade.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father's Day and Swimming

Alex showing Dad the present he made for Father's Day

First mohawk

This is what we do while Daddy works. :-)

We had a nice first Father's Day on Sunday by spending the day with Andy's family. It was a bit rainy but a nice way to spend the day. Now that we have had some nicer weather, Alex and I have hit the pool a couple of times. I was surprised at how calm he was about it. I'm sure it doesn't hurt that the pool is heated but he certainly seems to like it. He does a great job hanging out in his very own froggie floatie.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Start of Summer

Thanks for the taggie blanket, Karla!

Summer vacation is finally here but unfortunately it has been raining quite a bit which has kept Alex and me inside more than we would like. Alex has been keeping busy in his new exersaucer that he likes a lot. He also really likes his new taggie blanket that a friend of mine made for him. Who knew tags could be so much fun? Alex's newest trick is his new "voice" which consists of a high pitched squeal that he often likes to use now when he's happy, tired, wants something, or pretty much just whenever he feels like it. Here's a sample of it. He's very proud of his new voice but I'd be lying if I said it never gets old. :-)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!!!

Happy Birthday Grandma Mary! Alex hopes you had a great day and like the sign he made for you. He can't wait to see you soon.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

6 Months!

Big boy sitting up tall

Squash face

There's just nothing cuter than a sleeping baby!

It's hard to believe but Alex is now over 6 months old!! He had another check up this week and is now 14 and 3/4# and 26" long. He's getting better at sitting up on his own and has recently discovered the fun game of "I chuck something on the floor and Mom picks it up." He also has 2 pearly whites coming in on the bottom which luckily haven't seem to bother him too much. We've also been trying new foods and juice. Here are Alex's ratings so far...

Rice cereal-no thanks (unless you mix in banana- then I might be convinced)
Apple juice- yuck
Green beans-gag me (literally)
Squash- yes please
Sweet peas- best thing since breastmilk!