We finally decided to tackle potty training this summer. I think Alex was more ready for it than we realized because it only took him a few days to get the hang of it and he has been virtually accident free since then. He worked hard to fill up his sticker charts by going potty. The first two charts he earned Cars characters and the third one he worked hard to earn his new big boy car bed. He absolutely loves this thing! He has now spent 2 nights and 2 naps in it and all have gone perfectly. He has not gotten out, fallen out, and has slept great. We just hope it lasts!
That looks awesome. Can't wait to see it in a couple weeks! Good job, Alex!
You're growing up, Alex!! I love the new bed and am so happy the adjustment has been easy!!! Keep those smiles coming!!!
Much love,
Aunt Sis
alex, i'm so proud of you for earning your big boy car bed! it looks awesome. keep working on using the potty like a big boy.
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