We took a little trip to Madison last weekend to cheer Sara and Krista on during their half marathon. They both did a great job! We also had some time to play with the rest of the Ausman family, which was fun too.

Sara and Krista running down State Street

Alex and Greta with their aunts after the race. Alex's shirt said,
"My aunts ran 13.1 miles. What did yours do?" and Greta's said,
"My aunts can run faster than your mommy!"

Alex enjoying the sprinklers at a splash pad in Middleton

Sam and Greta at the splash pad
Apparently there is a small splash park in Chippewa. We will have to go sometime. Thanks for all the great cheering Alex! You can wear the medal again when you visit.
There is a splash pad right by our new apartment! I guess you guys will have to come visit sometime. :)
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