Last week was my first week back to work and Alex's first week of daycare. Alex did great and is excited to be at daycare with his buddy Henry this year. I had last Friday off so Alex and I took advantage and headed to the Minnesota State Fair with my friend Jennie. We had a great time checking out the animals and eating fair food but the highlight was watching Alex going through the kids farm exhibit. It was a multiple step process where he got to scoop up corn, ride a tractor, plant and water a seed, feed pretend sheep and chickens, milk a cow, pick fruits and vegetables, and buy a snack with his hard earned money. He loved it!
All dressed up and ready to work with his pail and apron!
The apron didn't last too long though before Alex tore it off.

Driving his pail over to the next stop.

Planting his seed.

Waiting so patiently for his next turn.

Milking the cow.