Last weekend was Dan Patch Days, the annual little festival in Savage. We headed over with our friends Heidi, Jason, and Henry. Alex and Henry rode in the luxury 2-seater wagon, which got multiple compliments along the way.

We started out with a ride on Kaptain Kirby's train. Alex is
really into trains right now so we thought he'd love it.

We were wrong! Henry liked it but not Alex.
Notice Alex in the picture below.

So then Mom got a free ride on the train to
keep Alex under control.

The petting zoo was a much bigger hit with Alex
(but less so with Henry).
Brown cows must be less intimidating than black and white cows. Gma Mimi and Papa John better get working on expanding their animal menagerie.
You never know what they are going to like once it is actually in front of them, do you? For example, Greta LOVED the train at our little Cherry Festival. She kept crying for more "choo-choo." Yet, she hated the petting zoo. She basically didn't let Sam put her down the entire time, just clung to him.
G & A will have to read her Thomas books together if he is into trains now. Those are her favorite books right now and we read a couple of them almost every night!
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