Alex hit the 14th month mark on Friday. He is just getting over a non-stop runny nose (going on about 4weeks now), a double ear infection, and a viral rash over the left side of his body but yet none of these things have really bothered him. Here is a list of some of Alex's latest tricks.
*Says Mama, Dada, Alex, hi, bye, uh oh
*Loves to look at animal and farm books and can make the sounds for a dog, cow, sheep, duck, and monkey
*Can stand up without needing to hold on to anything and is starting to attempt running
*Loves to hit the buttons on the TV (a no no at our house) while looking back at you and shaking his head and smiling
*Runs away as soon as you grab a kleenex or say "Let's go change your diaper."
*Likes to give hugs and blow kisses
Merry Christmas
7 years ago